The cheap and easy way to prop bottles is to seat the baby in their car seat, bouncy seat or on the boppy and roll/scrunch up a wash cloth or receiving blanket under the bottle. I had no luck with this as our boys have always been squirmy. But it works for many. Some bottle holders on the market include:
Milk Maid Baby Bottle Holder (Their images are copyrighted.) Soft and light holder conforms to bottle size and rests on the babies chest.
Baby Bottle Huggers Stuffed animals hold bottle and keep the baby amused.

The benefit of these bottle holders is that you can use your own bottles and the ones that the babies are used to and comfortable with. If you are willing to try a new bottle, I have heard many a praise for Podee Hands Free Bottles. They do also make a conversion kit so that you can turn your own bottles into hands free bottles, but I was not able to get this to work with Dr. Brown's.

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