Friday, February 29, 2008

(play) More Tiny Love love

One more thing about Tiny Love mobiles and their greatness... When the boys were newborns, we had a night nanny who specialized in multiples come a few times a month so we could get some sleep. She showed us that you could take the Tiny Love mobiles apart - leaving the music box attached to the crib, but removing the fun parts that dangle over the crib. This was especially important to help them sleep. She wanted to remove any distraction. And when they are older and can reach the toys, you can completely remove that section and just leave the music box for the babies.

So now, we still remove the top half of the mobile at bedtime and put it back up in the morning. The boys have become so conditioned that every morning once they are all in the party crib where the mobile is set up, they look behind them at the music box and wait for the mobile to start. This morning, one of the them even learned how to turn it on and off. Fun for them...not so much for me!

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