If I were to nominate one of the baby items we cannot live without, it would be Boudreaux's Buttpaste. We tried everything on our little boys' bums: Desitin, A&D, straight zinc oxide. The A&D ointment literally burned their skin and smelled horrible. The straight zinc oxide (this is what the hospital/NICU used) is affordable, but not great due to its thick consistency. Two of our three babies had terrible diaper rashes prior to using the Buttpaste (hence we had tried every diaper cream on the market). Once we switched to the Buttpaste, they have not had a single rash.
Boudreaux's Buttpaste smells like heaven and is the perfect consistency. Our trick is to buy the tubs and to spread the Buttpaste on with Johnson's cotton swabs. (Q-tips did not work at all due to the cotton pulling off the tip when you tried to spread it.) This prevents you from using your fingers and potentially spreading germs and bacteria in the container. And when you're changing 3 babies in a row, you don't have time to wash your hands in between each.
Purchase Boudreaux's Buttpaste and Johnson's cottom swabs on Amazon
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